The Latest eBooks About Business

Sunday, December 30, 2007

It's All A Bunch Of Bull


'A Bull In China' by Jim Rogers. Jim Rogers is one of the few people I respect on Wall Street. A Yankee brain with an Alabama soul devoid of the usual B.S. found in the world of finance. His writing style is lucid, concise and down-to-earth. This eBook drives home the impact China will have on the brave new world. You can look forward to your grandchildren dating Jackie Chan look-alikes. And if the Chinese government chooses to cash in its immense American holdings, your going to wish you were born in a rice paddy.

'Finding the Next Starbucks' by Michael Moe. Every amateur investor's dream is to find the "Next Big Thing," but actually accomplishing this is harder than it sounds. The book lays a great framework for identifying investment ideas...very easy to read, simple but powerful, very engaging. I loved the interviews and industry discussions...a must read for investors, researchers and students alike. Use the Coupon Code below to receive a Discount on either of these two eBook Titles.

BULL IN CHINA eBook edition by Rogers, Jim
If the twentieth century was the American century, then the twenty-first century belongs to China. Now the one and only Jim Rogers shows how any investor can get in on the ground floor of “the greatest economic boom since England’s Industrial Revolution.” In this indispensable new book, one of the world’s most successful investors, Jim Rogers, brings his unerring investment acumen to bear on this huge and unruly land now being opened to the world and exploding in potential.
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Finding the next Starbucks eBook edition by Moe, Michael
Michael Moe was one of the first research analysts to identify Starbucks as a huge opportunity following its IPO in 1992. And for more than fifteen years, he has made great calls on many other stocks, earning a reputation as one of today's most insightful market experts.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Being A Quiet Puncher, Is That Possible?


'Punching In' by Alex Frankel. This is a great book! All business owners/entrepreneurs, sociologists, and industrial psychologists must read "Punching In". The author informally studied different cultures of well-known businesses, such as UPS, Starbucks, and Enterprise. Only one of these companies would I work for, after reading this book. "Punching In" is fascinating for those who are business-minded. It is hilarious, and it is from the personal experience of the author.

'Quiet Leadership' by David Rock. In the first major book to explore what business leaders ought to know about the brain, David Rock creatively marshals an abundance of new research to coherently explain how it advances the use of mind-based brain change as the dynamic element of better leadership training. The key to the future of leadership development lies in these pages. Below is a Coupon Code to receive a Discount at Checkout.

Punching In eBook edition by Frankel, Alex
Curious to know just what happens behind the "employees only" doors of big companies, journalist Alex Frankel embarked on an undercover reporting project to find out how some of America's well-known companies win the hearts and minds of their retail and service employees. Frankel knew the only way to find answers was to go native.
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Quiet Leadership eBook edition by Rock, David
Improving the performance of your employees involves one of the hardest challenges in the known universe: changing the way they think. In constant demand as a coach, speaker, and consultant to companies around the world...
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Blog About Blogging... And Law That We Understand


'Realty Blogging' by Peter Tetzakian. As more traditional marketing avenues and vehicles continue to lose market share to their digital cousins, the real estate industry would be wise to gain as much understanding as we can about all of the potential advantages inherent in the organic World Wide Web, and all the new strategies, including blogging. In this new book, Richard expertly details and clarifies this new phenomenon for real estate professionals. It is the best eBook on blogging for real estate professionals.
'The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System' by Paul Bergman, Sara J. Barrett. An excellent source book for "getting it right" for lay persons who want to "cut to the quick" in the search for answers to legal problems concerning the criminal law system. No mumbo jumbo legalese here, just straight talk in plain English. Kudos to you and your effort. Look at the bottom of this Blog for the Coupon Code to receive a Discount on these two eBook Titles.

Realty Blogging eBook edition by Tertzakian, Peter
Are you blogging for your real estate business? Realty Blogging shows you how to fully utilize this powerful, direct-communication marketing tool, giving you all the know-how you need to capture the interest and business of local homeowners, buyers, and sellers.
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The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Bergman, Paul, Berman-Barrett, Sara J.
The best plain-English book on criminal law available! The criminal justice system is a complex maze, full of confusing rules and procedures. Fortunately, you can turn to this book for clear and complete explanations. The Criminal Law Handbook answers your questions about every part of a criminal case. Find out everything you’ve ever wanted to know about how the system works and why police, lawyers and judges do what they do. It covers:
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Do You Follow The Leader?


'Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life' by Donald Trump. This was a great motivational book full of insight from one of the best. It is annoying how people cannot appreciate another person's success such as Donald Trump. It is just my opinion that when a man worth billions of dollars writes a fantastic book on how he got there and gives you tips along the way to help you become successful, you take his advice. It's a must read!
'Enough' by Juan Williams. I tend to like Juan William's take on issues of race relations in America today and purchased this book because I thought it might be enlightening. Unfortunately, I was rather disappointed. Instead of providing more insight into the current state of affairs, it tended to be largely an expansion on Cosby's 2004 speech at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. There are a couple of reasons I would not give this book a Five Star Rating. First, the book tends to repeat itself. Second, it comes across as too much of a defense of Bill Cosby. However, I recommend reading this book as it does fill in many gaps as to how we got to where we are now. Look below for the Coupon Code to receive a discount on these two eBook titles.

Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life eBook edition by Trump, Donald J.
Donald J. Trump is an icon: the very definition of the American success story. The star of The Apprentice and developer of some of the planet's most prestigious real estate, he's been on the bottom and risen to become one of the world's wealthiest men.
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ENOUGH by Williams, Juan
Half a century after brave Americans took to the streets to raise the bar of opportunity for all races, Juan Williams writes that too many black Americans are in crisis—caught in a twisted hip-hop culture, dropping out of school, ending up in jail, having babies when they are not ready to be parents, and falling to the bottom in twenty-first-century global economic competition. In Enough, Juan Williams issues a lucid, impassioned clarion call to do the right thing now, before we travel so far off the glorious path set by generations of civil rights heroes that there can be no more reaching back to offer a hand and rescue those being left behind.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Knowledge Is Power!


"The Blue Way illuminates the essential political nature of corporations and personal investing-and then charts a course to bring socially progressive investing to a whole new level. This book can change the world." - Ben Cohen. This is an important, timely book. Adamson and Andrew make a compelling case that sustainable investing strategies and progressive economic policies simply work better over the long term.
"Deflation", this book has a lot of interesting history about booms and busts since the 1800s. Moreover, even though history does not repeat itself exactly, the author explains what lessons can be learned. Deflation is a subject that most of us have not thought about much. This eBook will get you thinking. Both of these titles compliment each other. I found them interesting. From experience, when reading Investment, or Economy based books I have a hard time staying stimulated and interested. I found that not the case with these eBooks. New and notable, a must read. Check below for your coupon code to receive a discount on these two titles.

BLUE WAY eBook edition by Adamson, Daniel de Faro
Turning conventional wisdom on its head, The Blue Way shows why socially progressive companies that make political contributions to "blue" politicians and causes outperform "red" companies.The idea that progressives are better at businesses than conservatives will surprise most people - including many progressives. But as The Blue Way shows, in nearly every sector of the economy, blue companies are the top performers. As a result, an investor who places his money in stocks of blue companies will do better than one who chooses red companies or who chooses to invest in the market as a whole. In The Blue Way, Daniel Adamson and Joe Andrew, cofounders of Blue Investment Management, identify the companies that have the most progressive social values - fair wages, equal opportunity, environmental responsibility - and also contribute to progressive political causes (or are at least neutral).
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Deflation eBook edition by Farrell, Chris
Deflation is one of the most feared terms in economics. It immediately conjures visions of abandoned farms and idle factories, and streams of unemployed workers standing in breadlines. In this important new book, Chris Farrell explains that deflation need not presage a collapse. In the process he provides new ways of looking at our economic and financial futures. More than an introduction to the subject, Farrell points out that deflation has always been a fundamental aspect of the business cycle. As they did in 19th-century America, deflation and fast economic growth can coexist. However, the impact on business, consumers, investors, policymakers -- and you -- is the subject of this incisive volume.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dog eat Dog World. Leaders and Leadership


Dog eat Dog World! Trades, tricks, and quotes from some of the best businessmen of our time.

These two titles are inspiring to me for they give a good look from the inside on what drives success. After reading these eBooks, I realize that success and good business come from a variable of places depending on the motivation, whether it is running a household, corporate CEO, or being deamed the "Pit Bull" of your trade. It seems that successful people are not just this species that have this "special gene" that are only a small % of our population, but can be learned behavior from people we admire..

Both these titles are a very good read and I had that warm and fuzzy feeling inside... Butterfly's... call it what you will. You get my point! Nonetheless, I too can take a bite out of the successful pie and so can you.

Pit Bull eBook edition by Schwartz, Martin
Welcome to the world of Martin "Buzzy" Schwartz, Champion Trader--the man whose nerves of steel and killer instinct in the canyons of Wall Street earned him the well-deserved name "Pit Bull." This is the true story of how Schwartz became the best of the best, of the people and places he discovered along the way and of the trader’s tricks and techniques he used to make his millions.
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The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time eBook edition by Pockell, Leslie, Avila, Adrienne
For anyone preparing to step into a leadership role--be it a corporate CEO, business team leader, church deacon, or head of a household--this unique collection of quotes from 100 great leaders of armies, social movements, political revolutions, fashion revolutions, businesses, and nations is sure to inspire.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Knowing What to Do & If You're The Right Person For the Job

getting down to business

Our professional lives are such a huge part of our overall lives - getting things done, getting them done right, it just isn't always that simple anymore. With so many things begging for our attention at work, I've selected two titles to feature this week to help you focus and maximize your time there. The more you bring to your job, the more you'll get out of it.

Jim Kilts offers a wonderful insight into his success in acheiving and maintaing focus on the essential tasks at hand as CEO of three major companies."Doing What Matters," is filled with wonderful vignettes to bring Kilt's experiences to life.

Macus Buckingham brings the focus back to you and what you can bring to your daily tasks. Whether you're the CEO, or you are working in the mail room - "Go Put Your Strengths to Work," will help you maximize your skills to improve your whole experience of work.

by Kilts, James M., Manfredi, John F., Lorber, Robert
When Warren Buffett was asked why the Gillette board of directors chose Jim Kilts to be CEO, he said, “Jim made as much sense in terms of talking about business as anybody I’ve ever talked to. If you listen to Jim analyze a business situation you get absolutely no baloney. And, frankly, finding someone like that is a rarity.”

There is only one CEO in recent times who has faced—and succeeded at—the extraordinary challenges of leading three major companies—Gillette, Nabisco, and Kraft—into prosperous futures by doing what matters on the fundamentals.

That CEO is Jim Kilts. In this vivid first-person account he reveals his system for success that is both cutting-edge and back-to-basics. Doing What Matters—the action plan for identifying and tackling what’s important and ignoring the rest—is the key to winning in a warp-speed world where the need for revolutionary speed and decisiveness increases by the day.

Kilts illustrates his ideas with colorful stories, such as “that little red razor.” A new product idea he proposed early on at Gillette, it was initially shelved because “everyone knew you couldn’t sell a red razor,” but went on to become one of Gillette’s biggest marketing successes ever.

Jim Kilts’s focus on both business fundamentals and personal attributes provides the “complete package,” showing how to get results that make a difference through:

• Intellectual integrity: The ability to face the unvarnished truth about yourself and your business and using what you see as the basis for action.

• Generating emotional engagement and enthusiasm: Using the force of your personality and ideas to infuse people and an entire organization with a sense of purpose and mission.

• Action: Gillette, with just five product lines, had over 20,000 SKUs. After studying the issue for over two years, there were still 20,000. How Kilts got Gillette off the dime to pare down the number to 7,000 almost overnight is an astonishing example of getting the rubber to meet the road—with enormous benefits to the business.

• Understanding the right things through an overarching concept to frame and filter issues: For Jim Kilts it was Total Brand Value, the framework he used in the consumer products industry for achieving better, faster, and more complete results than the competition.

Whether you’re CEO of a multibillion-dollar global company, the brand manager for a product, an entrepreneur starting a small business, or just beginning a career, Doing What Matters provides the practical ideas that get results—ranging from a day one action plan for starting a new job to a chorus of cheers and support to a program of total innovation that involves everyone in changes from small to “big bang.”
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Go Put Your Strengths to Work: 6 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance
by Buckingham, Marcus,
'Beginning with the million-copy bestsellers First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths, Marcus Buckingham jump-started the strengths movement that is now sweeping the work world, from business to government to education. Now that the movement is in full swing, Buckingham's new book answers the ultimate question: How can you actually apply your strengths for maximum success at work? Research data show that most people do not come close to making full use of their assets at work -- in fact, only 17 percent of the workforce believe they use all of their strengths on the job. Go Put Your Strengths to Work aims to change that through a six-step, six-week experience that will reveal the hidden dimensions of your strengths. Buckingham shows you how to seize control of your assets and rewrite your job description under the nose of your boss. With structured exercises that will become part of your regular workweek and proven tactics from people who have successfully applied the book's lessons, Go Put Your Strengths to Work will arm you with a radically different approach to your work life. As part of the book's program you'll take an online Strengths Engagement Track, a focused and powerful gauge that has proven to be the best way to measure the level of engagement of your strengths or your team's strengths. You can also download the first two segments of the renowned companion film series Trombone Player Wanted. Go Put Your Strengths to Work will open up exciting uncharted territory for you and your organization. Join the strengths movement and thrive.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Business doesn't have to be Busy-ness - Work Smarter, not Harder

4 hour work week

In the changing world of business and industry, working smarter - not harder is the key. Here are two eBooks to help you examine how you work and if it's working for you.

The Three Tensions: Winning the Struggle to Perform Without Compromise (Adobe Reader) eBook edition
by Dodd, Dominic
A manager argued that he could either increase his business unit's margins or its sales, but not both. His chief executive reminded him of the time when people lived in mud huts and faced the stark choice between light and heat: punch a hole in the side of your hut and you let the daylight in but also the cold, or block up all the openings and you stay warm but sit in darkness. The invention of glass made it possible to overcome the dilemma—to let in the light but not the cold. How then, he asked his manager, will you resolve your dilemma between no sales or no margin improvement? Where is the glass?
From the Introduction

"To win, leaders have to push their companies beyond trade-offs. They must find strong growth at premium returns, not one or the other. They must deliver great results today and build for the future at the same time, not push for earnings that can't be sustained. The Three Tensions is about having both at the same time, more of the time. I recommend it to any manager serious about winning."
—James Kilts, former chairman, CEO, and president, The Gillette Company

"Leadership can't be just about telling people what you expect of them. The Three Tensions sets out a range of helpful tactics leaders can adopt to really engage their people in the search for good performance on many fronts."
—Andrew Cosslett, chief executive, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC

"The Three Tensions speaks to fundamental management issues, perhaps the most fundamental. Managers looking for new ideas on how to improve performance will find it very stimulating. I found my own thinking very much influenced by it."
—John Roberts, professor of economics, strategic management, and international business, Stanford Business School

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4-HOUR WORKWEEK eBook edition
by Ferriss, Timothy
"It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge."
–Jack Canfield
Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold

"This is a whole new ball game.  Highly recommended."
–Dr. Stewart D. Friedman
Adviser to Jack Welch and Former Vice President Al Gore on Work/Family Issues
Director of the Work/Life Integration Project, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

"Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life,
it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this
book will change your life!"
–Phil Town
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Rule #1

"The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work?  A world of infinite options awaits those who would read this book and be inspired by it!"  
–Michael E. Gerber
Founder & Chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the World's #1 Small Business Guru

“Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51.”
–Tom Foremski
Journalist and Publisher of

Thanks to Tim Ferriss, I have more time in my life to travel, spend time with family and write book blurbs. This is a dazzling and highly useful
–A.J. Jacobs
Editor-at-Large, Esquire Magazine, Author of The Know-It-All

"If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint."
–Mike Maples
Co-founder of Motive Communications (IPO to $260M market cap), Founding Executive of Tivoli (sold to IBM for $750M)

"Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age. I've already used his advice to go spearfishing on remote islands and ski the best hidden slopes of Argentina. Simply put, do what he says and you can live like a millionaire."
Albert Pope
Derivatives Trading, UBS World Headquarters

This engaging book makes you ask the most important question that you will ever face: What exactly is it that you want out of work and life, and why? Tim Ferriss is a master of getting more for less, often with the help of people he doesn't even know, and here he gives away his secrets for fulfilling your dreams.”
–Bo Burlingham
Editor-at-Large, Inc. magazine
Author of Small Giants: Companies That Choose To Be Great Instead of Big

"Reading this book is like putting a few zeros on your income.  Tim brings lifestyle to a new level–listen to him!"
–Michael D. Kerlin
McKinsey & Company Consultant to Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund
J. William Fulbright Scholar
"Part scientist and part adventure hunter, Tim Ferriss has created a road map for an entirely new world.  I devoured this book in one sitting–I have seen nothing like it."
–Charles L. Brock
Chairman and CEO, Brock Capital Group
Former CFO, COO, and General Counsel, Scholastic, Inc.
Former President
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to School - Required Reading Reinvented

labor day image

To celebrate Labor day we, at eBooksAboutEverything, are giving you an additional 5% off on these fun titles, to divert you from giving up your summer fun & buckling down to work...
Use coupon code: la78dy9 at checkout for this extra special discount.

Jinx by Cabot, Meg
ISBN: 9780061254437
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
Year Published: 2007
The only thing Jean Honeychurch hates more than her boring name (not Jean Marie, or Jeanette, just . . . Jean) is her all-too-appropriate nickname, Jinx. Misfor-tune seems to follow her everywhere she...(by Meg Cabot, author of, "The Princess Diaries" & "Size 14 is Not Fat Either")
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FOREVER IN BLUE by Brashares, Ann
ISBN: 9780375843181
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Year Published: 2007
By the author of, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,"... Brashares continues to deliver a delightful and comforting story of friendship, life and more from the blue-jean's eye view...
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

eBook Coupon Code for 8-22 to 8-29

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